Orem, UT, is a neighborhood located about 4.8 miles away from Provo with an estimated population of 93,220 people – making it one of Utah’s largest neighborhoods. In Orem, UT, you will find a neighborhood with an exceptional livability score and is the 15th ranked city in Utah. This area ranks better than 90% of its surrounding areas.
In Orem, UT, the cost of living here has been shown as 2% lower than the average for Utah and 1 percent higher than our nation’s statistics. Housing prices also tend to be 10 percentage points greater when you’re looking at homes only instead of on rent or lease agreements with landlords who may charge more due to their location nearby luxury compounds.
When it comes to safety, Orem is a haven for those who live there. The crime rates in this area are 8% lower than the national average, and violent crimes have seen 72%. For example, if you were unfortunate enough to become victims of either type on an annual basis, then chances would be 1 out of 47 instead of at risk. This implies that not only will your family feel safer living here but so too does everyone else as well, which makes their quality-of-life skyrocket without even trying very hard or knowing how exactly did we do these things.
In the Orem area of Utah, there are 27% fewer people making more money per capita than other areas in America, which may explain why it’s not as popular with tourists coming here for their vacations. The median household income stands at 2% higher than the U.S. average, but this still falls well short when compared against many countries around the world that have much richer populations living within them.
Orem, UT is a great place to live in if you’re looking for higher-paying jobs and lower unemployment rates. The median male earnings are 41% higher than female median wages, which means that men may have more money on average. The statistics show that the unemployment rate is 16% lower than the U.S. average. The poverty level stands at 6% higher for locals as well when compared to the national average.
Orem is a great place to live, and it offers residents the feel of city life with all its convenience, yet still maintains a semblance toward country living when you visit one of many parks within walking distance from your house. The public schools here also provide an excellent education for children – something that can’t be said about every town nationwide.