Vineyard is a small town located about 7.3 miles away from Provo, UT, with an estimated population of 1,673 people in the neighborhood alone. This is a neighborhood in the heart of Utah with a below-average livability score and ranked 203rd out of all cities within our state. It ranks better than 40% percent of its surrounding areas, which is why it’s so popular.

When you’re looking for a beautiful place to live with great weather, high quality of life and ample opportunity cost-wise – Vineyard is an excellent choice. The housing prices are among the highest in all of Utah, but that’s because it sits right on top (or rather overlooking) some gorgeous beaches! In fact, 93% percent more homes exist here compared to what would be expected from national average statistics—so if this sounds like your dream home, then go ahead and purchase one today while they last cause I don’t know how long these miracle moments will last before makers think about building another set.

With the cost of living 22% higher than Utah and 26% more so than the national average, it’s no wonder that housing in Vineyard is 93 percent higher.

Vineyard, UT, is a safe haven for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustles of city life. With 78% lower crime rates than average in America, Vineyards offer peace with a tranquility that you can’t find anywhere else. In this quaint little town, there’s one chance out of 194 people will be victimized- which makes it about 87 percent safer than most places across our great nation.

Looking for a place to call home? You might want to check out Vineyard, UT. This little town has plenty of character and lots of activities that will no doubt make your time spent here worthwhile.  What’s more, the income per capita in this area is 1% lower than average nationwide, but their median household incomes have 65% higher earnings potential compared with other places across America.

Vineyard, UT, is a haven for those looking to start over. The unemployment rate and poverty level here are both lower than national averages, which makes it an excellent community not only attracting people relocating from other areas but also growing families seeking new opportunities as well.

In the town of Vineyard, Utah, males have a median earnings rate that is 41% higher than females. The unemployment rate here stands at 100 percent lower than average for America, and the poverty level is 51% lower than the U.S. average.

Pleasant Grove, UT
Provo Concrete Contractor