Benjamin has a population of 960 people and offers residents easy access to a rural feel. Most people in this town own their homes, which makes it one if not the most popular towns among those looking for secluded living without too much hustle-and-bustle on everyday streets lined with beautiful trees that offer shade from hot summer sun’s glare or heavy winter snows crunching beneath your feet as you walk outside after work hours.
Benjamin, located near Provo, is a city of young professionals that tend to be very conservative. The public schools in this area are above average, and there’s plenty to do when you’re not at work or school with things like hiking trails right outside your door.
In Benjamin, the cost of living is 10% higher than the Utah average and 14% more expensive than national norms. Housing prices are also 53 percent above what you’ll find nationwide.
Also, the neighborhood of Benjamin, UT, is a safe haven for those who live there. The crime rates are 65% lower than the national average, and violent crimes 80% are lower than the U.S. In Benjamin, you have a one in 122 chance of becoming a victim to some sort of crime – but don’t worry because law enforcement is top-notch, and this area is safer than 80% of U.S. cities.
Benjamin, UT, has a lower than average income per capita, 31% lower than the U.S. average. However, the median household in this area is 22% higher than what would be expected based on its population size compared to other places with similar demographics such as age and gender distribution.
Benjamin’s economy may not seem very prosperous when looking at how much money people make here- but don’t let looks deceive you. There’s plenty of opportunity for career growth.
Additionally, Benjamin in Utah is a haven for those looking to find jobs. The city’s unemployment rate hovers around 80% lower than the U.S. average, which means that there are plenty of opportunities available if you’re willing to work hard and play by the rules. In addition, Benjamin’s poverty level sits at just 81 percent below what it would be otherwise – so even though this state doesn’t offer many handouts like welfare or food stamps (they do exist), residents can rest easy knowing they won’t ever
The average test scores of those who live in Benjamin are on-par with the national average, and there’s no shortage of educational opportunities here. One can find everything they need from community colleges or four-year universities depending upon their goals as well – it truly pays off pedal pumping hard during your youth years, so you have more options later down the line when deciding where best suited for yourself academically speaking.